Monday, December 6, 2010

Father Christmas

12/06/10, 7pm. Monday night. The grocery store across the street from me closed while I was away, sometime around Thanksgiving, laying off everyone in the process - several of whom I have known for the last five years. Way to go America! I have night terrors about finding a Whole Foods or a Trader Joes catering to each and every green urban yuppie's wild consumer desires where my normal grocery store with crappy produce and expired diary once was. Now that it's against the law to be homeless in San Francisco (ie no sleeping on the sidewalks) (Way to go Left Coast! Way to rock those progressive values!) I'm guessing people from the Marina and Noe Valley will feel a lot better about moving here. It was never a great grocery store, but you could get the things you needed for a lot more, however, they did have the best intercom radio station playing continuously that I have ever heard. Lots of R+B and old Soul; where else in the world could you hear Small Face's, Itchychoo Park other than your living room? Beneath this section of space once lay the track for the San Francisco San Jose Train line made possible by generous contributions from Henry Mayo Newhall and Peter Donahue. The latter of whom would eventually form what would become PG+E  and father Baroness Mary E. Von Schroeder (born Mary Ellen Donahue) who built the house I live in and most of the houses on our bloc in 1890.

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